What are the most common aesthetic dentistry procedures?

Cosmetic dentistry has started seeing some major technological advancement over the years, as it begins to be more and more popular among the Australian people. Considered nothing more than a fad when it first appeared, people are starting to realize how beneficial cosmetic dentistry can be in terms of improving looks. Here are just three types of aesthetic dental procedures that even you could get so as to greatly improve your smile.

Teeth Bleaching

Is there a better sign of beauty and health than a white, shining smile? Probably not! Everyone has had one at some point, but these smiles wane as people age. The reason smiles fade away is because of the consumption of certain foods and drinks that cause teeth stains; stains that keep darkening your teeth. You may be able to obtain a slight lightening in terms of colour by regularly brushing your teeth, but those glaring, white smiles can only be obtained by professional teeth bleaching treatments.

These are inexpensive and facile procedures that almost all cosmetic dentists can help you with. Depending on how white you want your teeth to be, you may have to schedule several visits with your dentist.


Cosmetic dentistry can also change the colour, shape, and even the size of your teeth. Generally, dental veneers are created out of porcelain or composite based materials. These veneers are glued directly to your tooth, instantly upgrading your smile. Not only do they offer a vast improvement in terms of aesthetics, but veneers are also commonly used so as to provide extra strength to a chipped tooth.  If you're looking to offer your teeth both an aesthetic and functional improvement, look no further than dental veneers.

Tooth Implants

Tooth implants are the most long lasting and efficient solution when it comes to replacing your teeth. The reason for this is because they are directly pushed into your gums and jawbone, which means that they'll act just like regular tooth after you get used to them. Because of that, they are preferred over simple dentures since implants are much more comfortable, safer, and a lot stronger.

These dental implants are made out of strong pieces of titanium, which generally signifies that they'll last for a lifetime; provided that you properly care for them. Even if they are much better alternatives than dentures, they are still not as popular, simply because of their high price tag. 
