If you are scheduled for a dental implant procedure, you may not know how to prepare for the big day The tips below will help you get ready for a dental implant procedure:
The dental implantation process is a surgical procedure that can't be performed in one day. It is a two-stage process, but before the dentist can begin, they need to examine your oral health. A dentist evaluates the condition of your jawbone, the health of your gums and the number of teeth that require replacement. The examination process is long, and you may meet a few dental specialists. During the evaluation, the specialists may enquire about any medications you take and any illnesses you may have. It is wise to share this information to avoid any complications during and after the surgery. After an evaluation, a dentist will determine whether you are ready for implantation. The dentist may also advise you on prep work to do at home before the surgical procedure.
Diet and hygiene
After an implantation process, you may experience soreness and discomfort. This will limit what you can eat after the surgery. It is wise to prepare a diet of soft foods in the week after the implantation. As you may eat soft foods for a while, go ahead and treat yourself days before the surgery. This is because you may need to fast on the day before the surgery. During the operation, the dentist will use anesthesia to prevent any pain during the surgery. As anesthesia has different requirements, you may need to fast to avoid any nausea after the surgery. Also, ensure you brush and rinse with mouthwash. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria that may cause an infection.
Day of the surgery
Even though dental implants are an outpatient procedure, you should arrange for pickup after the surgery. Depending on the sedation used, you may not be a competent driver. Arrange for a family member or friend to pick you up to ensure you get home safely. Also, your designated driver can check to ensure you get all the required medications.
You can also schedule for a few days away from work after the procedure to recover if you experience a lot of discomfort. Many patients can resume their regular schedule on the day after the surgery. To be on the safe side, avoid scheduling any essential events in the week after the surgery.