Your Autistic Child: 3 Things You Should Do Regarding Their First Dental Appointment

If your child has been diagnosed with autism, you may be worried about their first visit to the dentist. However, by taking a few simple precautions you can ensure that your autistic child has a successful first appointment at the dentist. Below are 3 things you should do. Schedule the appointment in advance The last thing you want to do is to suddenly spring the news of the dental appointment on your child, as this will likely alarm and upset them.

Some of the Most Commonly Asked Questions About Getting a Dental Implant

A dental implant is a permanent replacement for a lost tooth; it screws right into the gum line and doesn't need to be taken out for cleaning, as you would need to do with a bridge or partial dentures. While it can be a good choice for many patients, it's not always a workable solution for everyone. Note a few questions you might ask your dentist about getting a dental implant so you know if it would work for you and what to expect with the implant procedure.

Is Your Swimming Pool Damaging Your Teeth?

If you swim regularly, either in your own or a public pool, and notice that your teeth are starting to show signs of damage, then the water's chlorine levels may be at fault. For example, you may notice that your teeth are becoming more sensitive to start with; they may then go on to show spots of discolouration and even decay. How can you tell if your swimming water is at fault?

Should You Oil Pull After Having a Tooth Extracted?

If you're a regular oil puller and are due to have a tooth out, you may be wondering if you can carry on pulling oil every day after your extraction. While oil pulling helps keep your teeth and gums in good health and may help your mouth fight oral bacteria, pulling after an extraction has some problems that you need to be aware of. How Oil Pulling Affects an Extraction Site

What are some risks and complications from a wisdom tooth extraction?

If you have wisdom teeth, your dentist might recommend having them extracted. This is often done if your mouth is overcrowded, the wisdom teeth are impacted or infected, or if you find it difficult to keep them clean. While extracting the teeth is a routine procedure, you should still be aware of the potential risks and complications so you know what to look for during the recovery period.  Infection One of the more serious risks you need to watch out for when you have a tooth extracted is getting an infection.