Recovering Quickly From Wisdom Tooth Removal

You've taken great care of your teeth, brushing, flossing and having regular dental checkups. You've done everything you're supposed to, and yet, here you are, about to have your wisdom teeth removed. Sure, you know it's not really your dentist's fault, but you can't help feeling a little miffed. When wisdom teeth are painful, growing crooked or becoming impacted, they have just got to go. So, what should you expect when you have your wisdom teeth out, and what's the best way to recover, fast?

Understanding Today's Alternatives to Metal Dental Braces

Metal or wire dental braces can be needed if a person's teeth are all severely misaligned, and an orthodontist needs to restructure the bone of the jaw while moving the teeth into proper position. However, many people don't need this much extensive work done to the mouth and jaw when their teeth are crooked, and may want their teeth to be realigned for the sake of appearance alone. If so, there are many alternatives to standard metal braces that you might want to consider, as these can give you a great smile in less time and for less cost than a full set of traditional metal or wire braces.

When to See a Cosmetic Dentist

A cosmetic dentist works to improve the overall appearance of teeth, without necessarily improving the structure of the bones of the face, or the jaw itself. However, cosmetic dentistry can do much more than give you a beautiful smile; this type of work can actually protect the health and strength of your teeth, and protect your overall oral health. Note how this is, and when you might want to at least visit a cosmetic dentist for a consultation.